The Kaneohe Business Group was very interested by the dynamic presentation and the following Q&A session by our latest speaker of the month of June. Thank you to John Oshiro, cyber strategist, IT systems consultant, and . His talk about the state of the internet and cyber security had the group fascinated. His 30 years of experience was very insightful to our members and small business owners. To find out more visit: Windward Community College, and the “Certificate of Competence in Information Security”.
The KBG group also acknowledged the new 2018/2019 officers and directors. Thank you for all you do!
(See below.)
2018-2019 – Board of Directors:
President – Ned Busch, Financial Concierge Services
Vice President – Matt Hara, Business Officer, Central Pacific Bank,
Secretary – Carolyn Nakamura, Pohai Nani Good Samaritan
Treasurer – Linda Kuklinsky, CPA, L&M Consultants
Board of Directors:
Bonnie Beatson, Windward Community College
John Fred Bogert, John B. Design
Jo Brooks, Coldwell Banker Properties
George Carlson, Windward Biofeedback
Jeff Esmond, Hawaii 5500 Financial Services
Demaney Kihe, First Hawaiian Bank
Jeannie Yukimoto, Hawaii USA FCU