Find Kaneohe Business Group Members
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DISCLAIMER: This directory is primarily intended for the communication between active members of the Kaneohe Business Group. This list is not to be used in any unsolicited communications by any public or private, non-member entities. Please contact the KBG President regarding any requests for access to these contacts’ information. Anyone violating this policy will be investigated and may incur penalties or further sanctions by the Kaneohe Business Group. Thank you.
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Categories: Business Consultants, Education, General Business Services, Professional Services
Providing minority-owned businesses with key resources and training for government contracts and sustainable funding.
Categories: Business Consultants, Professional Services
ExcurInsure is a modern, weather-centric, insurance agency with a focus on protecting the businesses that drive the tourism industry here in Hawai’i and elsewhere. As an independent insurance agency, our focus is on our clients. We work closely with every customer to understand their current environment, their plans for the future, and find the right solutions for their specific needs. Complimentary weather risk evaluation.
Categories: Health Services
P.A.R.E.N.T.S. ,Inc.- Our mission is to strengthen families by providing resources, skills, support, and advocacy to create the cycles of positive parenting.