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DISCLAIMER: This directory is primarily intended for the communication between active members of the Kaneohe Business Group. This list is not to be used in any unsolicited communications by any public or private, non-member entities. Please contact the KBG President regarding any requests for access to these contacts’ information. Anyone violating this policy will be investigated and may incur penalties or further sanctions by the Kaneohe Business Group. Thank you.
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Bonnie J. Beatson
Marketing and Public Relations Director
Windward Community College
Work 45-720 Kea‘ahala Rd. Kaneohe HI 96744 United Stateswork
Work Phone: (808) 235-7374work
Cell Phone: (808) 554-3631cell
Work Email: beatson@hawaii.eduINTERNET
John Fred V. Bogert, 4th
Owner | Chief Designer
John B. DesignWebsite Design and Print Marketing
Work 501 Hahaione Street Honolulu HI 96825 United Stateswork
Cell Phone: 808.348.2497cell
Work Email: JohnBDesign@mac.comINTERNET
Website: John B. Design
Categories: Business Consultants, General Business Services, Marketing, Professional Services