Last month’s Kaneohe Business Group’s luncheon was on Wednesday, October 24th at 11:30am in the Club Room at Pohai Nani. Our speaker was Dr. Panos Prevedouros. The KBG group was intrigued by the presentation given on the topic of the future benefits and pitfalls of autonomous vehicles. He discussed the real world scenarios of artificial intelligence controlling the world’s transportation systems. Thank you to Dr. Prevedouros for a great speech and informative discussion.
Dr. Panos Prevedouros is a Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa and Department Chair since 2015. He obtained his PhD in 1990 and Masters in transportation engineering from Northwestern University, then joined the UH in August of 1990. He has expertise in traffic engineering, traffic safety, intelligent transportation systems, demand forecasting, and lately he has ventured into life-cycle analysis and sustainable infrastructure. Interestingly, Panos received roughly 20% of the vote as candidate for mayor of Honolulu in 2008 and 2010.